Serve on the Board of Directors
Now is an important time to serve on the CSHA board as it continues its work of the last few years to build a stronger, more impactful and more inclusive organization with a philosophy of continuous change and improvement. We envision a world where all people are empowered with the fundamental human right to engage and connect, and our work is centered on that cause.
Available seats
The following positions are up for election on the CSHA Board:
Note that all voting members throughout the state elect the CSHA board chair-elect and the secretary/treasurer. Voting members in each CSHA district elect their respective district director.
Nominations and Deadline
Nominations for CSHA board seats are due no later than 11:59 p.m. on December 15, 2024. Nominations that don’t meet submission requirements, or arrive after the posted deadline, will not be considered out of fairness to others.
View Nomination Form Here
Position Descriptions Coming Soon